I was nervous to do this interview about ending racism. So worried that I would say the wrong thing. Then, I remembered the words of my friend Kishshana Palmer, who said, I mess up all the time! Just do the work! And how perfectionism is an aspect of white supremacy.

Listen or watch if you want to:

  • Figure out how to bring up racism at work, and speak out as a white person
  • Incorporate anti-racism very simply into the next meetings that you have, to make people self reflect a bit more about how it is embedded into their work lives.

This can help your organization live their values. And make it better for everyone who works there. You’ll keep your people longer. Save money. And make more money. You have so much to win by addressing racism. We can’t end racism in nonprofits or fundraising by ourselves. We need to all come together and do this work.

Some resources mentioned in this live:

Next Steps to Ending Racism With My Heroines

We put together a co-conspirator group earlier this year to ask AFP GTC to acknowledge the racism they perpetuated and to take away their 10-star status. We succeeded in this. 

If you want to look to the helpers, and take next steps, here are folks who are training white folks in anti-racist work:

  1. 1. Check out the Empathy Agency led by Nneka Allen. I worked with her on the Path to Action conference last year, and she is one of the co-editors of Collecting Courage.
  2. 2. Deneisha Thompson of 4 Impact Consulting https://4impact.consulting is such an incredible example of how to walk the path of liberation every day. 4 Impact does a lot of things including DEI and leadership. Check out her work.
  3. 3. The Luna Jimenez Institute for Social Transformation has been recommended to me
  4. 4. Fleur Larsen – I’ve attended one of her online workshops and thought it was really good.

By Julie