
TakeActionAFP.com was initially created to mobilize our community to hold AFP-GTC accountable for its acts of structural violence against Black people.

As our activism evolved, so did the function of this website.

What was, at first, a means to engage our community with a digital platform began to morph into an archive. We write this to make visible the pressure we felt to do more labour to ensure our work would not be erased.

Our activism has mainly taken place on LinkedIn as a social media platform. However, its continued censorship of Black women and its general unreliability has forced us to do more labour to meticulously archive and track the work the co-conspirators has done.

The work of archiving is not easy.

But it is a reality that Black people, especially women, have to do because society is systemically gaslighting their pain and erasing their labour.

As Co-Conspirators, we realized it was crucial for us to sufficiently capture the scope of work of our activism to combat this. During our journey and activism, Nneka’s article and post was erased from LinkedIn while Cathy’s resharing of Nneka’s article, a white woman’s, was left uncensored and for display. Though Nneka reached out to LinkedIn moderators to note this discrepancy, no action took place. We realized LinkedIn, like many social media platforms, was inherently unreliable and that it would, without valid reason, censor Black women’s voices. And so we began the work of archival.

To be anti-racist is to challenge the systems of power. How information is circulated or distributed is constantly policed and contained by white supremacy. To bypass this, we took on the work of archiving our co-conspirator journey, communications, and stories on this website. It is a well-used play in the book of white supremacy for institutions and platforms to conveniently “lose” or intentionally erase any evidence pf moral failures.

We refuse to let that happen.

The work of the Co-Conspirators began with Nneka Allen and her courage to testify her experience of anti-Black racism during her tenure as an AFP-GTC board member. In the book, Collecting Courage, the dedication reads as follows:

“To our Black community, in all its diversity,
our truth, our stories are ours to tell.
our voices are power.
we summon you to testify,
to document and to share your life.”

This website is an archival of the courage that Nneka Allen, Mide Akerewusi, and Múthoní Karíukí had to share their story. It is a compilation of the community we created as co-conspirators. It is also a call to action for every person who has come here, curious, about how we can do better to make this sector more equitable.

The function of this site is not for you to come to consume the labour of the co-conspirators.

While you browse the collective labour and care and courage of the co-conspirators, we invite you to reflect about the action YOU will take after soaking in the knowledge on this site.

We await your response.